Water Consumption Monitoring with Multical21 and Home Assistant

My water meter is located quite far from the house, which made this project particularly interesting. Here's how I got it working.

The Hardware Setup

  • Water Meter: Multical21 with wireless M-Bus capability
  • Receiver: iM871A-USB dongle from IMST GmbH
  • Computer: Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Location: Standalone setup near the water meter

The Multical21 water meter transmits data using the Wireless M-Bus protocol. Since my meter is far from the house, I needed to place the receiver (iM871A-USB dongle) closer to the meter. The Raspberry Pi Zero was perfect for this setup due to its small size and low power consumption.

Detailed Installation Guide

1. Prepare the Raspberry Pi

  1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS Lite to your SD card
  2. Enable SSH and configure WiFi before first boot
  3. Connect to the Pi via SSH

2. Install Required Dependencies

# Update system packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

# Install required dependencies
sudo apt install -y git
sudo apt install -y librtlsdr-dev libusb-dev
sudo apt install -y libxml2-dev
sudo apt install -y mosquitto-clients

### 3. Install wmbusmeters

# Download and extract wmbusmeters
wget https://api.github.com/repos/wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters/tarball/master
tar -xvzf master
cd wmbusmeters-wmbusmeters-*

# Compile and install
sudo make install

# If make fails, ensure all dependencies are installed and try again

4. Configure wmbusmeters

  1. Create the main configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/wmbusmeters.conf
  1. Add the following configuration:
shell=HOME=/home/wmbusmeters/ mosquitto_pub -h YOUR_HOME_ASSISTANT_IP -u water_meter -P YOUR_PASSWORD -t wmbusmeters/$METER_ID -m "$METER_JSON"
  1. Create meter configuration directory and file:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/wmbusmeters.d
sudo nano /etc/wmbusmeters.d/vodomer
  1. Add meter configuration:

5. Set up logging directory

# Create logging directories
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings

6. Start and Enable Service

# Reload systemd to recognize the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# Start wmbusmeters service
sudo systemctl start wmbusmeters

# Enable service to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable wmbusmeters

# Check service status
sudo systemctl status wmbusmeters

7. Monitor Logs and Troubleshooting

# View live logs
tail -f /var/log/wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters.log

# Check meter readings
tail -f /var/log/wmbusmeters/meter_readings/tapwater-YOUR_METER_ID

# Restart service after config changes
sudo systemctl restart wmbusmeters

8. Home Assistant Configuration

Add the following to your Home Assistant's configuration.yaml:

    - name: "Tapwater total"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      device_class: water
      state_class: total
      value_template: "{{ (value_json.total_m3 * 1000) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: L

    - name: "Tapwater target"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      unit_of_measurement: "m³"
      device_class: water
      state_class: total
      value_template: "{{ value_json.target_m3 }}"

    - name: "Tapwater temperature"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      device_class: temperature
      state_class: measurement
      value_template: "{{ value_json.flow_temperature_c }}"

    - name: "Tapwater external temperature"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      device_class: temperature
      state_class: measurement
      value_template: "{{ value_json.external_temperature_c }}"

    - name: "Tapwater rssi"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      unit_of_measurement: "dBm"
      device_class: signal_strength
      state_class: measurement
      value_template: "{{ value_json.rssi_dbm }}"

    - name: "Tapwater status dry"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      device_class: problem
      payload_on: "True"
      payload_off: "False"
      value_template: "{{ 'DRY' in value_json.current_status }}"

    - name: "Tapwater status reversed"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      device_class: problem
      payload_on: "True"
      payload_off: "False"
      value_template: "{{ 'REVERSED' in value_json.current_status }}"

    - name: "Tapwater status leak"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      device_class: problem
      payload_on: "True"
      payload_off: "False"
      value_template: "{{ 'LEAK' in value_json.current_status }}"

    - name: "Tapwater status burst"
      state_topic: "wmbusmeters/YOUR_METER_ID"
      device_class: problem
      payload_on: "True"
      payload_off: "False"
      value_template: "{{ 'BURST' in value_json.current_status }}"

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. If the dongle isn't detected:

    • Check dmesg output after plugging in the USB dongle
    • Try different USB ports
    • Verify USB permissions
  2. If no readings appear:

    • Verify the meter ID and key are correct
    • Check if you're within range of the meter
    • Confirm the correct radio mode (c1 for Multical21)
  3. If MQTT publishing fails:

    • Test MQTT connection manually:
      mosquitto_pub -h YOUR_HOME_ASSISTANT_IP -u water_meter -P YOUR_PASSWORD -t test -m "test"
    • Verify network connectivity
    • Check MQTT credentials
  4. Common log messages:

    • "No meters configured" - Check /etc/wmbusmeters.d/ directory
    • "Cannot open device" - USB permission issues or wrong device
    • "No telegrams received" - Range or radio mode issues